5 Practical Tips That Can Help You Save Money on Cab Fares

  • 31 January, 2024

Hiring a cab service has become the norm for busy professionals or individuals who can’t deal with the crowds of public transport. However, the inflammation and post-pandemic economic effects are making people think twice about their spending. If you prefer cab services in Memphis for everyday transport or use them frequently, Bluff City Taxi can help you save more on your transportation with some practical tips.

According to the US Department of Transportation, transportation is one of the highest yearly consumer expenditures ($12,295 annually as of 2023). If you make some smart decisions, it won’t be challenging to control your transportation expenses and bring the balance back. Let’s check out the clever ways to save money on taxi fares in Memphis and other parts of the United States.

Smart Tips to Save Money on Cab Fares

Reliable cab services come with undeniable comfort and ease. Choosing the right cab company and following some smart tips can help you enjoy relaxing and on-time cabs in Memphis without paying a hefty price.

1. Compare Local Cab Prices

In a hurry, it’s tempting to book the ride with the first company you find on the internet. However, here you should hold for a moment and take time to research local cab services. Make a quick list of the top cab service providers and compare their charges. Go for a cab service provider that has a track record of offering satisfying cab services at a reasonable rate. Don’t fall into the trap of too-low services; otherwise, you might need to compromise the quality of comfort. There are various cab fare comparison tools available online that can do the hard work for you.

2. Avoid Surge Pricing

There are a lot of cab companies in Memphis that raise their charges during peak hours. With such companies, it is hard to track the total amount of money that you need to pay after completing the ride. Sudden surge pricing may make you pay a hefty price unnecessarily, and that can ruin your monthly transportation budget. Select a cab company that offers surge-pricing-free cab rides and has fair terms and conditions. Bluff City Taxi is a popular name for offering quality cab services at all-inclusive flat rates. You can book the best rides with all-inclusive flat rates with no hidden charges, which include one price with gratuity, waiting time, and surcharges from your pickup to your destination.

3. Travel During Non-Peak Hours

Cab fares may differ depending on the time of day you choose for travel. Some cab companies charge high prices during peak hours, and some also raise the price at odd hours, like early morning or midnight. In order to avoid increased cab charges, you can plan ahead and travel during non-peak hours. If you avoid peak hours, you can save much on fares and reach the destination faster. Making small adjustments in your daily routine and having little readiness can help you enjoy the best benefits of cab services. So, plan your cab ride in advance, avoid high-demanding hours, and enjoy smooth travel at a reasonable rate.

4. Check for Special Discounts & Offers

There are various cab companies that offer a welcome bonus to their customers. When it comes to cab rides at a reasonable rate and saving money at the same time, you should opt for cab companies that offer discounts and special offers. Generally, leading cab companies keep offering discounts or similar facilities to retain their customers. So, do a bit of research, shortlist the best ones in your area, and then book a ride to reach your destination on time with ultimate comfort.


Following these easy tips can help you save money on cab rides. If you embrace these tips and choose cab services for everyday travel, it won’t affect your monthly transportation budget. When it comes to booking a cab service in Memphis at an affordable rate, many hire Bluff City Taxi for the best experience. It offers quality cab services at an all-inclusive flat rate and has no hidden terms and conditions. A cab service that is punctual, has well-maintained vehicles, and is free from any kind of hidden fare can definitely contribute to a pleasing ride experience.