A Checklist for You to Enjoy a Safe Ride in Memphis

Cabs in Memphis

Boasting several tourist landmarks and natural attractions, Memphis is the perfect destination for your holiday trips and getaway plans. To cover as many places as possible in a day, you should better book a cab and make the most of every moment. But having said so, remember Memphis is not completely devoid of safety concerns. Not only should you avoid visiting dangerous neighborhood areas, but you must also check thoroughly before booking or getting on cabs in Memphis. After all, not all cab services are reliable and worth your money.

Don’t panic already. If you follow our checklist, you can surely enjoy a comfortable and safe ride. So, let us dive right in! 

Check credibility – We know you are in a hurry and want to download the app right away. But before you hit the download button, we think you should go through the ratings and reviews on the app store for once. See what thoughts previous customers have shared about their services. If the reviews are decent, download the app otherwise don’t. Next check if the company is licensed and regulated by the local authority. All these might seem over the top but are required to check the credibility of a cab agency. 

Verify drivers’ permit – If you are booking cabs in Memphis for the first time, don’t get into the car unless the driver has furnished you with his permit. A reliable driver will not hesitate to show you his permit, but a deceptive one might distract you with lame reasons for not carrying the same. Also, check the plate number to see if it’s the same car that you have booked on the app and not some other cab driver trying to take unfair advantage. 

Take charge of your luggage – Of course, you can rely on the driver to carry your luggage but keep your phone, purse, and other costly possessions close. While you can request the driver to keep your luggage in the cab, you should keep an eye on his movements. We are not exaggerating when we say deceptive drivers know several ways of duping the passengers, especially if they are visiting the city for the first time. 

Share your location – Have you checked if the cab booking app has a ‘share your location’ feature? This is a desirable feature as it allows you to share the current location of your cab with your family or friends in Memphis. Able to see your current location, your family or friend can stay alert and peace of mind. In case, any problem occurs, they can trace your location and come to your rescue. 

Try to ride in groups – Want to book a cab for a weekend gateway in Memphis? Traveling in a group can be fun and also safe. If the driver turns out to be dishonest and fishy, everyone in the group can protect one another if and when an emergency arises. It also gets easier to make immediate decisions when you consult with friends on the spot itself. Even when you ride in groups, booking services from a reliable company should be your goal no matter what. 

Conclusion – You can book your ride with any random agency, but you should be aware of the consequences of such a hasty decision. On the other hand, it may take you some time to spot a reliable agency but can provide you with a safe cab riding experience. So, if you are looking for reliable cabs in Memphis, contact Bluff City Taxi. Our priority is to meet transportation needs while ensuring your safety and comfort. Visit https://bluffcitytaxi.com/